Hacking Triberr

Triberr Review: What Is Triberr and Why Does It Matter?

Have you heard of Triberr?

For years Triberr was not on my radar at all.

I came across it a few weeks back and decided to sign up.

**UPDATE – I am now at over 20 million reach using this method! I have also seen hundreds more Triberr and Twitter traffic following this post.**


Here is my first post on Triberr, two weeks ago

Dave's article on triberr - triberr review

and here is my profile, two weeks later

hacking triberr - Dave's profile on triberr

What Is Triberr And Why Does It Matter?

In order to get into the meat of this case study I don’t want to spend too much time explaining the basics.

Suffice to say that Triberr is a social media platform where bloggers join tribes, in which tribe members’ RSS feeds display their posts, and people decide whether or not to share them.

The “Why It Matters”, is more interesting.

One might argue that the last thing the world needs is another social media platform, and I tend to agree.

But Triberr is different.

Of all the social media platforms I’ve come across, I haven’t seen one that was so bent on connecting you with other bloggers that could promote your content, as well as making the very focus of it sharing.

Frankly, the math is astounding.

Consider my profile above, where now my posts appear in the feed of 509 bloggers, across 12 tribes, which collectively have a twitter reach of 6 million followers.

NOTE: This is an average of 12k twitter followers per account, which seems quite high. The 6 million is certainly skewed right but some very large 100k+ twitter accounts.

If you have any interest in getting your content promoted to new circles, this is the place to be.


If you’re more into videos check out my first one on Youtube explaining this. First one so need to work on my editing a bit, but not bad!

Is 5 Million As Much As It Sounds?

Let me just be clear – I do not have the largest reach on triberr, not by any stretch of the imagination. Nor am I in the most tribes with the most tribemates.


Also take a look at this awesome triberr guide 25 Influencers Share Their Top Triberr Tips

No, I am not on this list (it would be cool if I was) but a few takeaways

  1. After only two weeks I am less than one order of magnitude off from the top 100 people in the entire platform. If I continued at my current rate I could be on this list in two months!
  2. While most of the people on this list have thousands of twitter followers, I have less than 100.

The second point is particularly notable, because having a lot of twitter followers is the easiest way to get invited to groups and become a member.

Needless to say, I am not an attractive candidate for most tribes.

But I am going to show you how you can achieve elite status with any size twitter account (as a few people in the top 100 have done).

Hopefully doing so won’t get me kicked out of any groups…

How To Increase Your Triberr Reach: Joining The Right Tribes

What I am going to share is mostly a combination of strategy plus the 80/20 rule applied to joining tribes and starting your own tribe.

I will also admit upfront that there is some basic hypocrisy in what I am about to share.

This is due largely to the fact that while I do not have a large twitter following, I pretty much focused on people and groups that do (at times ignoring people who are just like me).

Sorry, this is a case study about getting results – not about being nice to everyone all the time.

Lastly, if you are wondering how long this all took, I would say less than 30 minutes a day for two weeks.

Now onto the tips.

Essentially, you want to join and interact with as many of the right tribes as you can.

At the same time, you want to limit your exposure to tribes that won’t benefit you and just fill up your feed.

Here’s how you do that.

Join groups with large reach: This is a no brainer. If you want to increase your reach you have to be in tribes that have large a reach already.

What is a large reach?

It depends on the niche, but I look for something with at least 100k reach.

The number of members counts as well, since that gives an indication of the twitter following of each person.

A low number of members to a high reach is the ideal ratio, since that means that the people have large twitter followings and are more likely to see your stuff in the RSS feed.

Also it means there is room for more members.

On average, my tribes have a reach of around 400k.

Join every group you are invited to (if it’s relevant): If you get invited to a group and it looks relevant, join it.

A few days ago I received 5 invites and that increased my reach by 2 million (why I received those invites will be discussed below).

Look for groups with all members and no followers: Occasionally, I will come across a group that has all members and no followers.

This can be a great group to join because it may indicate that the chief is very liberal with promoting.

Some people are nice like that and they just make everyone a member when they join.

It’s a shame there weren’t more people like this when I was growing up and trying out for the baseball team!

Avoid groups that are maxed out (or close to it): If a group is maxed out then there is no room for more members. A typical max is 30.

This is the standard max for people who don’t have premium accounts, which I suspect is the vast majority.

I try to target groups that have 25 or less members so I know there is room for a promotion.

Join lots of tribes (if they are relevant): This is a numbers game, and joining lots of tribes and requesting a promotion is the easiest way to become a member in lots of tribes.

When I first started I joined 20 tribes related to business, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing. There are hundreds to choose from.

Join tribes where the chief is active: Ultimate the chief is the one who decides whether or not you get promoted to member, so you aren’t going to have much luck if he hasn’t logged in for three months.

How To Get Promoted To Member: Group Etiquette

In my experience, about 10-20% of tribes will make you a member right away. For the others, you are going to have to work for it.

Request promotion immediately: When you join you have the option to request promotion to member.

I say do it. Some chiefs will promote you right away. Others will decline, but at least you are on their radar.

The chief can promote you at any time, but realistically most people are not that active in their groups and logging in everyday.

If you want to get noticed send a message immediately.

Comment and interact with the chief: One of the things I noticed about Triberr is that few people comment.

The easiest way to stand out is to do something that people are not doing. Comment on the posts in the feed. Comment in the tribe activity area.

All of this helps you stand out and appear to be a more engaged person.

This is what helps you get promoted to member. Specifically, when possible, always target the chief.

It’s called sucking up and it’s been around for millenniums. Like it or not, it’s a proven method for getting ahead.

Share frequently: Again, Triberr is about sharing. if you want to get noticed and get promoted, you have to share.

Ideally, you are targeting the chief. Remember, everything you share, you are actually sending to your audience, so read the post first (by clicking on the link it will appear in Triberr, you don’t actually go to the website), see that it is relevant, and share it.

I would typically log on in the morning and share a post from each of my tribes.

Use the Triberr plugin: I haven’t received confirmation on this but from my testing it seems if you want an image to show with your post then you have to install the free Triberr plugin.

I do not use this on my personal account for this blog, but I do use it on another account for a different website where I feel the images are stronger connected to the post content.

Images will help your content get noticed in the feeds.

How To Build An Awesome Tribe Triberr

The biggest successes I had were from starting my own awesome tribes.

I realized quickly that a twitter account with 80 followers was not likely to get noticed.

If I wanted to rise to the top I was going to have to network my way there by creating my own attractive tribes and leveraging them to become a member in other tribes and get invites.

I am not sure how many tribes you can create.

I was not so obnoxious as to test the limits. I created two tribes, one on Internet Business and the other on Entrepreneurship.

The two have a combined reach of over 1.3 million so you can see they are higher than my average tribe.

They are also directly responsible to me receiving invites and shares from other bloggers so the benefits of being a chief are notable.

Target People In Groups You Are Not A Member Of: If you start inviting people who are in a group you are a member of, you are not expanding your reach since you are not adding tribemates.

Ideally, you need to find new groups you are not in, or at least groups in which you are only a follower of, and invite those people.

Invite people with large reaches: You only have a limited number of spots for your group so you have to be selective.

I often target people with several thousand twitter followers. If you scale this to 30 (the limit) this would yield a group with 100k reach.

Additionally, as an unlimited number of people can follow your group, you can get up to a few hundred thousand as I have done with mine.

Leave a few spots open: You don’t want to just fill your groups with members. You want to build followers.

As I discussed above, followers come when they think they can get promoted.

Leave spots open in your group and people will flock there to potentially get promoted.

As the chief, they will probably promote your content.

Hook the big fish: This is an offshoot of targeting people with a large reach.

When I start a new group I like to try to find someone with a REALLY large reach who I think will join about anything.

This will make it attractive for more people to join. Additionally, as the membership grows, it becomes less clear that a large part of your reach is coming from one individual, which makes it even more attractive since it appears to be a group of people with large twitter followings.

Here was my target for my internet business group. You may recognize him as number 9 from the top list. He joined.


Invite chiefs of tribes you want to be in: Again, you have to network your way into groups by creating something that you can leverage.

I created nice groups and then chiefs wanted to be in them, so they invited me into their groups or promoted me to the member. That’s how I got 5 invites just the other day!

Focus on new people: If you can, focus on people who are not in any tribes or only a few, they are more likely to accept an invite. 

How Has Triberr Affected My Traffic?

All of this is great, but if it hasn’t actually bought any new exposure to my blog it would arguably be a waste of time, so let’s explore that.

What does a 6 million reach actually mean?

It means that if every one of my tribemates shared my post, it would appear on 6 million Twitter feeds.

Of course, not every one of my tribemates shares my posts, and of those who do, many Twitter followers don’t catch the tweet (that’s Twitter for you).

So how many do?

One of my most recent posts was shared by 19 people out of around 250 tribemates at the time. It probably won’t get any more.

triberr postSo that’s about 8%.

I suspect as  your tribemates grow it will be even less, maybe leveling off around the 5% mark?

It’s difficult to trace this directly back to traffic on your blog.


As you can see, traffic from Triberr directly is pretty low and has only sent 15 visitors to my blog since I started.

This is because people can read the post in the platform so they don’t have to go to your site.

However, referral traffic from Twitter is my number one source, and while I have received tweets from a lot of other people, I do think Triberr has played a role in it.


While I have some definite qualms about Triberr as a social media platform (namely that it encourages people to share blindly without actually reading the post in order to get ahead at the expense of their followers)

There is no denying that it is a nice form of “passive” exposure – once you’ve set yourself up!


If you’re like me and two weeks ago you didn’t know a damn about Triberr, check out these other great triberr review by bloggers, some of which have reaches far greater than mine!

David Schneider

Dave is an author at Ninja Outreach and has a passion for digital marketing and travel. You can find him at @ninjaoutreach and [email protected]