A Simple To Use Influencer CRM

Cut the fuss. Find millions of influencers per keyword. Manage leads with a powerful but user-friendly Influencer CRM.
Automatically find emails and other data
Influencer CRM function automatically crawls lead profiles for email addresses, contact info, social accounts, websites, SEO, and engagement stats.
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Schedule emails & follow ups in a few clicks
Ditch manual, one-by-one emailing. Schedule email outreach campaigns with up to 2 automated follow ups
ID card icon
Get your messages to the right people at the right time
Scrap complex influencer CRM functions. Categorize who receives what email and when in just a few clicks.
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Find business leads for specific business opportunities

Find the best leads in just a few clicks! Type niche + location keywords and sort by followers, domain authority, or other metrics.
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Search specific leads from a simple drop-down menu

Advanced influencer CRM features lets you filter by domain and web page types to find your specific lead types.
Feature content

Make sure your leads data is accurate

See all crawled info such as online profiles, emails, SEO & engagement metrics. Fix inaccuracies or add any missing data in editable profile cards.

Leave custom notes for better influencer management

Note deadlines, instructions for teammates, or specific details for each lead. Influencer management made easy and effective!

No more scrolling through long lists

Use influencer CRM Smart Tags or create your own so you can find leads on your list instantly.

Don’t lose track of your conversations

Integrate your email to get Influencer CRM features. Save all conversations and interactions. Get notified when a lead has replied or a follow-up is due.

Write better outreach messages. Send more effective follow-ups

Get access to a template library that you can reuse or add content to so

View your email campaign performance at a glance

See how many valid email addresses you’ve collected. Track your campaign’s total emails sent, click-throughs, and reply rates.

Know which templates are succeeding & which leads are interested

Track opens, clicks, and replies per template, and know which leads are behind each action. You can also see who never replied or has unread replies.

Free Chrome Extension for on-the-go influencer CRM

Find, save, and organize leads while searching on Google. Sync the Chrome Extension with your account for on-the-go influencer CRM.
Relationships management

Track how your influencer relationships are progressing

Track your interactions with each lead. Choose from pre-made relationship status labels or create custom ones.

Display leads by relationship status

Reuse or modify outreach emails in your template library or add new ones for whatever business purpose.

Ready to give NinjaOutreach a try ?

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got any questions ? maybe our support ninjas can help!

You can also check out the NinjaOutreach knowledge base or some of our related articles about our
influencer outreach tool features.