Get Featured On Interviews

How To Get Featured On Interviews And Podcasts With Ninja Outreach

Interviews are a great way to get exposure for both your product and your brand. I like them specifically because you’re given the greenlight to be promotional and talk about yourself and your products.

Additionally, you may wonder how does a podcast work. Podcasts specifically don’t require any writing – simply showing up and being yourself for 30-60 minutes, which anyone can do.

We’ve had numerous interviews go live about NinjaOutreach, here’s a few examples:

And believe it or not, they convert relatively well.

I have people reach out to us all the time talking about hearing us on a podcast. People really begin to relate to you when they spend 30 minutes listening to you talk – it builds trust.

Here’s a few examples of what I mean:



How To Find Interviews & Podcasts With NinjaOutreach (Method 1)

One effective way to find people who do who do interviews is through the use of NinjaOutreach Chrome extension.

You can run a search on Google with any of these advanced search operators and load it on NinjaOutreach Chrome extension so you will be able to save those lead on your list.

  • [Your-Topic] inurl:/podcast/
  • [Your-Topic] inurl:category/podcast/
  • [Your-Topic] inurl:/podcasts/
  • [Your-Topic] inurl:category/podcasts/
  • [Your-Topic] intitle:podcast
  • [Your-Topic] intitle:podcasts

For interviews, just replace podcast with the equivalent.

How To Find Interviews & Podcasts With NinjaOutreach (Method 2)

The easiest method is simply to use the search and the filter in our two tabs; Websites and Blogs and Twitter Influencers Tab.

Just run a search for your topic, and then select interview (or podcast) from the filter drop down menu.

I recommend setting the search to 5k, because this filter will drastically reduce the results. This is because these data points are relatively new to the software, and the data is still being built up.

Using The Websites and Blogs Tab

NinjaOutreach Podcast filter

You can also run a search with the keywords directly, for example “Marketing Podcast”. In this case, it is better NOT to put the filter on, because the exact match will already filter the keywords for you.

Exact match search

Both of these will provide different results (well, some the same, and some different), so it’s worth trying both approaches)

Using The Twitter Influencers Search

You can also run a search on either the Twitter influencer search tabs. The Twitter influencers search tab don’t have a filter for specific pages, so you’ll have to rely on the keyword alone:

Remember to try keywords such as podcast, podcasts, and podcaster (or interview, interviews, interviewer), because it is set to exact match, so results vary based on the exact keyword:

NinjaOutreach Twitter Influencers Search tab

From here you can easily add the good candidates to a list.

Performing The Outreach And Landing Slots!

Before doing the outreach, you will have to integrate your email.

Once you save the bloggers to your list, you’re ready to do outreach to them:

These directions will show you how to send emails in NinjaOutreach.

And these will show you how to manage and effective outreach campaign in NinjaOutreach

All you need is a script specific to interviews. Here’s an idea of something we might send:

Some interview/podcast scripts should be in your Manage Templates tab already upon account activation as an example.


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David Schneider

Dave is an author at Ninja Outreach and has a passion for digital marketing and travel. You can find him at @ninjaoutreach and [email protected]